Friday, August 26, 2016

How To Cure Procrastination In 7 Lazy Steps

Face it. You know there's that one task, that one project that's been nagging at you for days now (weeks. It's been weeks. Be honest with your lazy self.), and you just can't bring yourself to finish it. You might be telling yourself, "Self...there just wasn't enough time today. I had a million things to do at work, the kids drove me nuts with their constant bombardment of questions, and dinner... well, dinner doesn't cook itself, you know!"

I know. I understand. Fuck, there's always so much to do and not enough time to do it. BUT...

There's ALWAYS...going to be excuses not to do something. But let's face it. We're grown ups (err, rather, adult-looking people running around pretending they know what they're doing but in reality they just want their mommy), and grown ups have shit to do. Responsibilities. Things that *grumble* need to be *grumble* done.

So, it's time to put on the big person underwear and do your grown up duties. (But it's okay. You can still laugh. I know I said duties. Heh. Duties.)

Still need help getting there? No worries, I'm going to try and help you get there in 7 simple steps. Easy peasy, right?

STEP 1. Make a list.
Write down, task by task, everything that needs to be accomplished. Boom. Done. You just completed the first step. *HINT* I always write something on my list that I have already accomplished just so I can cross off the list. I know, I know, sounds kind of silly. But it's truly a fantastic motivator.

STEP 2. Watch a funny cat video.
Because, you need a little time while that hot tasty beverage cools off, right? We mustn't rush these things.

I've got some great recommendations for some humorous feline videographed antics. But I feel like that is a post in and of itself.

STEP 3. Proofread your list.
We can't have any grammatical errors, now can we?

STEP 4. Procure more hot beverage.
We must muster (heh. Say that ten times fast.) all the energy we can to face this momentous morning.

STEP 5. Eat a breakfast, damnit!
If you are anything like me, you do this every morning. You go back for that second (fine. Third.) cup of coffee, and realize your stomach is making a really weird noise. Yikes. Better get some calories in there, stat.

STEP 6. Google shit about finding motivation.
Well, you found this page, so congrats! You have successfully still not completed your task.

STEP 7. Find some good tunes.
Seriously, this one is of the utmost importance. Music can help and heal in ALL aspects of life. So, find some good motivating music and let it take you away. Crank that shit up, and grab your list. You have had your hot beverage, a good meal, some funny videos, now it's time to stop procrastinating and get to whatever the fuck it was that you had to do!

*NOTE. This is me writing to cheer myself on, to give myself motivation. I'm truly excited if it helps anyone else, but really it's just me trying to figure out a way to healthily (is that a word?) balance my time between putting on my grown up pants... and laying under a blanket in my pajamas binge watching Stranger Things.

Man, I miss being a kid.

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