Thursday, January 26, 2017

Crochet Hacks: Standing Double Crochet

I'm telling you, guys.
This crochet hack is a total game changer.
Learn the standing double crochet, which is used in place of the starting chain 3.
It makes a finished product look THAT much better. It's so awesome that sometimes even I can't find the seam! 

So, follow along with the pictures!

*editor's note: The picture comes first, THEN the description is written below it. 

Start by pulling up a long loop. 
This loop should be the same height as your double crochets.

While pinching the top of the loop on your hook, rotate your hook clockwise, just like you would to yarn over, but you will be yarning over with the big loop you just made. You're basically wrapping that long loop around your hook (back to front, just like you always do when yarning over), to create a secure starting point for the double crochet.

Your finger should never leave the top of the hook. Hold on to it tight. 
Like, probably a lot tighter than Rose held onto Jack. You don't want that shit falling off.

Um, hello.
You said you'd never let go.

Now we know what happens when you let go.

Moving on...

With your finger still securely in place, yarn over with your long strand.

Pull through first "loop".

Yarn over and pull through next two loops. Just like a regular dc.

Yarn over one last time and pull through remaining two loops on hook.

Hooray! You did it!

See, now, if ROSE would have hung on that long, Jack might have lived.

Although, this myth was tested and, ultimately, debunked.
They both would have died.
Sorry, loves. That's some real world shit right there.

Happy hooking! Let me know in the comments how successful your attempts at keeping Jack alive were!

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