Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Crochet Hacks : Single Crochet V Stitch

I have no clue if there is another name for this stitch, or if other people have invented it (most likely, because new stitches are usually invented by sticking your hook in the wrong spot!), but this is what I call the Single Crochet V Stitch, because the stitch makes little v's that stack neatly on top of one another.

Like so.

It's a fabulous little stitch that makes completely 100% vertical rows when working in the round, instead of the usual slightly wonky stitching that regular single crochets make. It can be annoying if you are working in a sort of graph pattern, where you need right angles...but nice right angles aren't doable with regular single crochets..

Read on, interwebbers, and learn how to make this awesome stitch!

Ok? Let's go!

The single crochet V-stitch is made the same as a regular single crochet except instead of putting it in the top two loops like you normally do, put it directly through the center of the v part of the single crochet. Like so.

You can see from the back that I am putting it through an extra loop in back.

Next, pull up a loop.

See how the loop is pulled up through the center of the stitch instead of in the front? Now, finish your single crochet like normal.

Also, it looks like there is still two loop on my hook there at the end, but it was my yarn doing something weird. 

Super easy, and really awesome for making contrasting parts, like shirts and jackets for amigurumi.
Like this guy.


Speaking of Vs....

Do you know why, when you see a flock of birds flying in the sky, why one side of the V is longer than the other?

Do you?

I do.

It's because there's more birds on that side.

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